Submit Resume
We offer 100% Job Assistance to our students. We get an average of 5-7 enquiries from an IT companies for man power requirements in every month. Every IT company/Organisation has requirement of 1 - 10 professionals in various Technologies. We place our students in Web Designing, ASP.NET, PHP, SEO, and Adobe Flash, etc.. Follow our Resume Writing Tips Steps for Job Assistance Programme
STEP 1: Submit Updated Resume to in below format
Subject : Student Name + Course Completed
Body : Student Name + Mobile Number + Student ID + Date of Completion
Attachment : Resume
STEP 2: We will forward the resumes to IT Companies.
STEP 3: Companies will call students for interview based on their profile.
STEP 4: Students get selected in the Company and Should Intimate to Institute.
STEP 5: We keep on forwarding resumes to the companies untill they get seleted.