Ruby Programming
In Ruby, each and everything in ruby is an object which has a unique code which resembles its properties an actions. As it is different than other languages and a total new subjects for even people who have experience in web development we determine to start from scratch. the tutors guide and illustrate each section in a simplified manner.
Our courses contain all the topics broken down in simpler form so that even a noob beginner can become expert in Ruby programming. We have various courses available starting from the basics and moving towards more complex subjects to make them simpler. We start from the installation of ruby which is a general introduction about interactive ruby. Then we take user inputs and methods and learn their use. This involves codes, ruby syntax, and basics required to create ruby projects. Then we have classes on conditional statements like if else, if, unless, the case when and other statements. Then we move towards ruby class in which every object is treated as ruby. Use of various loops like a while, for, until, modifier loops, class variable, modules, blocks yields in ruby, ruby mixins, different types of arrays involved in ruby all are discussed in great detail.
Use of Python Programming
By the end of the course you will be an expert in the field of programming language. Topics like interactive ruby, ruby syntax, functions, controls, class variable, various loops, ruby modules, ruby statements, operators, objects, debugging codes and many more are taken care of.
As this is usually related to web development and advanced programming people who have a background with programming language have an advantage, but we in WebGanges Edutech do not like to let down our students. All code lovers or any experienced and non experienced coders are welcome to take our course. So students who want to pursue a career in advance programming is also encouraged and we teach them from the basics. By the end of each course, we shape and mold our students as experts in their niche.
Before learning Ruby, you must have the basic knowledge of any programming language.
- Ruby Installation
Ruby Installation : Setting up Path Variable
- Introduction to Ruby - Interactive Ruby Programming : IRB
Interactive Ruby Programming ( IRB Shell )
- Ruby Syntax and Basics : Getting Started
Ruby Syntax and Basics - Coding in Workspace and Create Project
- Taking User Input
Taking User Input - Further Discussion with Codes
- Methods - Functions in Ruby
More on Methods in Ruby
- Conditional Statements : IF, ELSE IF, ELSE
Conditional Statements : UNLESS , CASE WHEN
- Introduction to Class - Local and Instance Variable , Class and Global Variable
- Coding with Ruby Class
Everything in Ruby is Object
- Getter, Setter and Initialize method in Ruby Class
Codes for Getter, Setter and Initialize method in Ruby Class
- Shortcut to getter, setter methods and use of to_s method in Ruby Class
Codes for shortcut of getter, setter and also for to_s method
Codes for Class Variable and Self.method in Ruby Class
- While Loop and While Modifier
- Until Loop and Until Modifier with CODES & SYNTAX
- For Loop and its Alternative .each loop
More on Loops in Ruby
- Break Statement with Codes in Ruby
NEXT and REDO statements with codes in Ruby
- Blocks and yield, with and without parameters
- Block codes
(&block) Passing BLOCK as parameter to a method
- Module concept and its codes
Module with Class along with descriptive Example
- Require and Require Relative statements
Require and Require Relative codes
INCLUDE Statement concept having Modules, Class, Require.
Mixins in Ruby with concept and Codes
- Arrays and its Fundamentals
- Arrays and InBuilt Methods
Arrays - Learn Array Pre-defined Methods
- 2D Array Concept, Fundamentals and Codes
2D Array - InBuilt Funtions
- Hash - Assoc(), Delete, Empty, Clear, Eql, Has Value : Inbuilt Methods
- Hash - Print all Keys and Value using INSPECT Method using 4 Loops
Hash - assoc(), reassoc(), delete(), merge(), merge!, update()
Random Numbers
- Menu - Practise example Codes
Menu - Practise example Codes - Continued
- Inheritance In Ruby - Conceptual Description
- Inheritance with codes - How to access variables and methods with Code
- Inheritance with Codes - Access Constructor, Methods and use of Self.Class
Method Overriding - Inheritance Part - 4
- Operator overloading - Using "+" method
- Operator Overloading - Using Comparable operators
- Operator Overloading - Arithematic operators
Operator Overloading - Overloading operators related to ARRAY
- Freezing Objects - How to Freeze object and how to check whether it is frozen?
Linguistics - Various Operations using Linguistics
- Ways to define proc object and converting a Block into a proc
- Procs object creation and also Normal Lambda creation
- Procs and its more concepts with fundamentals and codes
- Procs and ARITY method
Difference between Procs and lambda using CONTROL FLOW KEYWORDS
- Time and Date - Introduction with Important Details
- Various operations on Time
- Date and DateTime Class
Formatting Time and Date