C# Programming
This C#.NET training teaches non-experienced people how to create the Solutions/Applications using C#.NET. C#.NET is Microsoft’s entry into the world of managed programming. Using a syntax that is deliberately from Java, C++ and C, C#.NET achieves a natural trade-off of terseness and clarity, enabling programmers to express concepts in a clear and maintainable form. The recent enhancements to the language have made it even more powerful than before, allowing programmers to work with C#.NET in both an Object-Oriented and partially functional style.
- Learn the fundamentals of C# programming in Visual Studio.
- Using .Net Framework
- Working with variables, data types
- Work with standard programming skills
- Exception Handling in C#
- Object oriented programming in C#
- Object oriented techniques
- Working with Arrays
- Create Generic classes and methods.
- Collections in C#
- Generate and test your own classes using the Class Designer and Object Test Bench tools.
- Use delegate types to provide flexibility and type safety.
- Use anonymous types, lambda expressions, extension methods, object initializers, and implicit type declarations
Our C# tutorial is designed to help beginners and professionals.
Before learning C#, you must have the basic knowledge of C.
- What is C#
- C++ vs C#
- Java vs C#
- C# History
- C# Features
- C# Example
- C# Variables
- C# Data Types
- C# Operators
- C# Keywords
- C# if-else
- C# switch
- C# For Loop
- C# While Loop
- C# Do-While Loop
- C# Break
- C# Continue
- C# Goto
- C# Comments
- C# Static Function
- C# Non-Static Function
- C# Return Type Function
- C# Void Type Function
- C# Parameterised Function
- C# Non-Parameterised Function
- C# Constructor
- C# Call By Value
- C# Call By Reference
- C# Out Parameter
- C# Array to Function
- C# Multidimensional Array
- C# Jagged Arrays
- C# Params
- C# Array class
- C# Command Line Args
C# Object and Classes
- C# Constructor
- C# Destructor
- C# this
- C# static
- C# static class
- C# static constructor
- C# Structs
- C# Enum
C# Properties
- C# Properties
C# Inheritance
- C# Inheritance
- C# Aggregation
C# Polymorphism
- C# Member Overloading
- C# Method Overriding
- C# Base
- C# Polymorphism
- C# Sealed
C# Abstraction
- C# Abstract
- C# Interface
C# Namespace
- C# Namespaces
- C# Access Modifiers
- C# Encapsulation
- String Handling Methods
- C# try/catch
- C# finally
- C# Custom Exception
- C# checked unchecked
- C# SystemException
- C# FileStream
- C# StreamWriter
- C# StreamReader
- C# TextWriter
- C# TextReader
- C# BinaryWriter
- C# BinaryReader
- C# StringWriter
- C# StringReader
- C# FileInfo
- C# DirectoryInfo
- C# Serialization
- C# Deserialization
- C# System.IO
- C# List<T>
- C# HashSet<T>
- C# SortedSet<T>
- C# Stack<T>
- C# Queue<T>
- C# LinkedList<T>
- C# Dictionary<K,V>
- C# SortedDictionary<K,V>
- C# SortedList<K,V>
- C# Thread Life Cycle
- C# Thread class
- C# Main Thread
- C# Thread Example
- C# Thread Sleep
- C# Thread Abort
- C# Thread Join
- C# Thread Name
- C# ThreadPriority
Microsoft has added too many new features in C# language. A list of newly added features in each versions are given below:
C# 2.0
- Partial types
- Iterators
- Nullable types
- Delegate Covariance
- Delegate inference
- Static classes
- Method group conversions (delegates)
C# 3.0
- Anonymous types
- Extension methods
- Query expression
- Partial method
- Implicitly typed local variables
- Object and collection initializers
- Auto-Implemented properties
- Lambda expression
- Expression trees
C# 4.0
- Dynamic binding
- Named and optional arguments
- Generic co and contravariance
- Embedded interop types ("NoPIA")
C# 5.0
- Asynchronous methods
- Caller info attributes
C# 6.0
- Using static directive
- Exception filters
- Await in catch/finally blocks
- Auto property initializers
- Default values for getter-only properties
- Expression-bodied members
- Null propagator
- String interpolation
- Nameof operator
- Dictionary initializer
- Compiler-as-a-service (Roslyn)
C# 7.0
- Pattern matching
- Tuples
- Deconstruction
- Local functions
- Digit separator
- Binary literals
- Ref returns and locals
- Expression bodied constructors and finalizers
- Expression bodied getters and setters
- Out variables
- Generalized async return types
C# 7.1
- Async main
Default expressions