Kotlin Programming

Kotlin Programming

Kotlin is a new high level statically typed language that combines functional and technical parts in the same platform. It runs on JVM targeting both Java and Javascript.

This programming language was introduced by JetBrains .Google announced Kotlin as the official language for android in 2017. The content is vast and difficult to understand so it is divided into sections along with examples for proper understanding.

We start every course with the basics that include an introduction to the subject to make it simpler for each of our students. each topic under a course has various sub-topics that grow from simpler towards the complex. The introduction includes the history, definition of Kotlin a brief idea about IntelliJ IDEA, first Kotlin program, and object-oriented programming. The inheritance in Kotlin is also a very important section in which we teach about final function, abstract classes, function overriding and interfaces of Kotlin. Use of various data types and variables involved in Kotlin is discussed. The control flow i.e for loof, if else, while, do while, when and other functions are taught.concepts of one-dimensional array, multidimensional arrays are elaborated. The list implementation in Kotlin set implementation classes and map implementation classes re also an important part of Kotlin programming language. the different classes,  different types of constructors like a primary and secondary constructor, modifiers, fields and functions, inner classes and nested classes all are given equal importance.


  • Kotlin is an easy language to learn and understand. If you understand Java you will not find Kotlin difficult as it is somewhat similar. However, Kotlin is more expressive which makes it more relatable.
  • Kotlin reduces lots of boilerplate code as it is based on JVM.
  • It has better performance and runtime.
  • Kotlin builds an interoperable application in a less complex manner.
  • Kotlin is a brand new language that is accepted as the official language of Android. It is a replacement of Java but a better version of Java.
  • However, Kotlin has some disadvantages like it is not able to differentiate the same function if used in many different places.
  • Kotlin has no static declaration like java which can be troublesome.

Our target audience basically includes everyone who is interested in learning Advanced programming and more specifically advanced programming. The course is designed and sectioned in such a way by our tutors that each and every student can learn it from scratch. After completing the course the student will have well enough knowledge in Kotlin which will further help him to grow more in the field of programming including Kotlin programming language.

Before proceeding with this tutorial you should have a basic understanding of Java programming language. Although it is a beginners’ course, we assume that the readers have a reasonable exposure to any programming environment and knowledge of basic concepts such as variables, commands, syntax, etc. We strongly recommend that you gain some basic knowledge of Java programming language before proceeding with Kotlin programming.

  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Abstraction
  • What is Kotlin?
  • History of Kotlin
  • How to install Kotlin on your computer?
  • Introduction to IntelliJ IDEA
  • First kotlin program

  • Datatypes in Kotlin
  • Variables in Kotlin
  • Using Comments in Kotlin

  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Increment and Decrement Oprators
  • Oprate-Assign Operators(+=,etc.)
  • The Conditional Operator
  • Operator Precedence
  • Type Conversion in Kotlin

  • Functions in Kotlin
  • if else
  • for loop
  • while doWhile
  • when
  • Ranges in Kotlin

  • One Dimentional Arrays
  • Multi-Dimentional Arrays
  • Using For loop in Arrays

  • Classes and Objects
  • Fields and Functions
    • Calling Functions
    • Defining Functions
    • Function Parameters
    • Variable argument parameters functions
  • Constructors
    • Primary Constructor
    • init block in constructors
    • this keyword
    • Secondary Constructor
    • Access Modifiers in Kotlin (private, public, protected, internal)
    • Non-Access Modifier (Companion Object, final, abstract)

  • Inheritance
  • Inheritance in Kotlin
  • Function Overriding
  • final functions
  • Abstract Classes
  • Interfaces in Kotlin

  • Inner Classes Concept
  • Anonymous Inner Class
  • Packages
  • Defining Packages
  • Package Scope
  • The import Statement

  • Exception Overview
  • Catching Exceptions
  • The Finally Block
  • Exception Functions
  • Declaring Exceptions
  • Defining and Throwing Exceptions

  • The Collection Framework
  • The List Implementation in Kotlin
  • Set Implementation Classes in Kotlin
  • Map Implementation Classes in Kotlin

  • Hello World App using Kotlin - Android

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