.NET Windows Form Application using C#
Course Objectives:
The Course will allow learners
- To gain deep understanding of C# language features.
- To understand features of VS.NET Integrated Development Environment.
- To develop database intensive applications using ADO.NET.
- To create and manage strings, arrays, collections and enumerators using .NET framework library.
- To build on applications using N Tier architecture.
- To use Web Servies, Remoting and WCF for creating distributed Applications.
- To learn major features of .NET Framework and their involvement in .NET platform.
- To create simple to complex application using .NET Framework.
- To learn major concepts behind CLR (Common Language Runtime).
- To make Event – Sender object signal the occurrence of action to a Event – Receiver Object using delegates and events.
- To carry out and learn the concept of Object Orientation.
- To create classes and interfaces which are efficient and appropriate for given programming scenarios.
Microsoft Beginner Level .NET 4.5 training is an appropriate entry level course for the learners interested in building their career in development. The learners include professionals with programming experience in C, C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, or Java. An aspiring developer and the students familiar with OOPs concepts can also get benefited. This training imparts the skills needed for developer productivity, application performance, and continuous innovation.
Before joining any Professional Programming Courses students should have very basic knowledge of any one programming language like "C", "C++", or any other programming language basics. It will be helpfull to understand the subject in easiest and in better way.
- Data Types, Tokens & Expressions
- String Handling
- Date Time Handling
- Program Flow Control
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance, Polymorphism and Interfaces
- Namespaces, etc.
- Collections
File Handling
DML(Data Manipulation Language):-
- Insert
- Update
- Delete
- Merge
DDL(Data Definition Language):-
- Create
- Alter
- Drop
- Rename
- Truncate
DCL(Data Control Language):-
- Grant Revoke
Data Retrieval- Select
Stored Procedures, etc.
Common Controls:-
- Button
- CheckBox
- CheckedListBox
- ComboBox
- DateTimePicker
- Label
- LinkLabel
- ListBox
- ListView
- MaskedTextBox
- NotifiyIcon
- NumericUpDown
- PictureBox
- ProgressBar
- RadioButton
- RichTextBox
- ToolTip
- WebBrowser
- FlowLayoutPanel
- GroupBox
- Panel
- TabControl
- TableLayoutPanel
Menus & ToolBars:-
- ContextMenuStrip
- MenuStrip
- StatusStrip
- ToolStrip
- BindingNavigator
- BindingSource
- DataGridView
- DataSource
- ColorDialog
- FolderBrowserDialog
- FontDialog
- OpenFileDialog
- Create New Controls for Forms
- Create a Control from an Existing
- Control and Add Functionality
- MDI Applications
- MDI Parent and MDI Child Forms
- Manage Menus
- Basic ADO.NET Features
- Using Database Provider
- Using Connection ,Command, CommandBuilder, DataReader Object
- Using DataAdapter, DataSet, DataTable, DataView
- Using Parameters
- Crystal Report
- Reading and Writing XML Programmatically
- Important Classes in the System.XML
- Namespace
- Read and Write XML Nodes and Attributes
- Exception Class
- Try, Catch, Finally
- Working with Exception Handling
- System, IO Namespace
- Working with Directories and Files
- Read and write file
- Stream Reader and Stream Writer Classes
- Working in 3 Tier Architecture
- Working with DLL files
- Database connectivity ODBC, OLEDB, Oracle, SQL Server
- Form Level
- Field Level
Key Level
- Installation Package
- Customize a Setup Project
- Control Installation of an Application
- Specify Conditions of an Install
- Custom Actions for after an Installation
Setup & Deployment